The world of marketing and advertising is constantly changing, and print ads have competition; they are those found in digital media and mainly known as PPC. From this type of advertising, social networks obtain their main income and strengthen the brand's strategies, so it is common to hear about Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, or Twitter Ads. But, on this occasion, the protagonist is Facebook; One of the social networks with the largest number of users and worldwide presence.
If you want to know more about PPC campaigns in Facebook Ads, then go ahead and discover what, how, and when.
What are the PPC campaigns?
These are ads that are inserted in certain digital platforms such as Facebook. PPC corresponds to the acronym in English, Pay Per Click (Cost Per Click), and PPC campaigns are called advertising actions carried out by brands on certain platforms, paying only for each click.
The advantages of PPC campaigns is that it allows you to control the investment, it is an immediate and flexible tool that can be customized, know the results, have control and follow-up on the actions that are implemented.
Facebook Ads
Ads that can be inserted in the social network to promote a product or brand is paid per click, and there are different types of ads such as those aimed at getting fans or web traffic.
The promotional possibilities that exist are Facebook Ads, sponsored stories and premium ads; The first is an advertisement that seeks a specific action, the second shows the advertisement as natural content, and the premiums allow the brand to have maximum visibility, with a brand day tactic.
To create a PPC campaign on Facebook Ads, it is not necessary to break your head; it is a very friendly platform; It allows segmenting by age, gender, location, and keywords.
When creating a campaign, consider the image of the ad, which mainly has to be in the parameters established by Facebook, must be attractive and accompanied by a good title.
Among what works best in Facebook Ads are the headlines in question form, red borders in the ad, and action verbs. Also, consider using words like free, buy now, save, offer, and discount. Of course, you always have to test the ads, measure and determine which one works best, then invest in the winner.
Responding to this is subjective because everything depends on the stage in which the company is, the objectives, plan, or strategy. However, it is always good to maintain a digital strategy in social networks, either as a PPC campaign or as a simple presence through a fan page. But, being in a stage of the launch, the high season of purchases or introduction of new product lines, it is worth making a larger investment, and thus obtain better results.
In conclusion, PPC campaigns in Facebook Ads are ads that are inserted into the social network, paying per click and with the aim of advertising a brand or promoting a product, are carried out through segmentation, which allows them to be effective, and it is good to make the investment at any time of the year to obtain better results.
Once the questions are resolved, it is time to think about a PPC campaign on Facebook Ads.